"Funeral Rule"
As current trends continue to shape the industry, one thing remains clear, the industry itself will adapt as it has for the last one hundred years. Philippe Aries states “modern attitudes towards death remain aligned with American traditions such as the interdiction of death in preserving the happiness of the living.”[2] As Laderman reminds us, the funeral industry transforms with the cultural and social changes that take place over time. Also, Funeral Directors see themselves as providing a service to those in need at a time when many are incapable of taking on such a monumental task such as the burial and service of a loved one. It is apparent that the institution itself will continue to innovate and adapt as needed to perform their tasks for the bereaved. In a world where many things are uncertain, death remains uncannily so. Although the sales methods, accouterments, ownership, and scale for service may change, historical accounts of the last one hundred years suggest that fundamentally things will remain much the same. The practice of Funeral Directors and their traditions of supporting the bereaved will continue to focus on the social, religious, and psychological aspects of the living.